Human Keystone

Rewild, Reconnect, Restore

Bringing Humans and Landscapes closer together

Three Pillars

  • Nature Connection - The Harvest

    Using practical skills as pathways towards deep Nature connection. Skills include Hunting, Foraging, Fishing, traditional land based crafts, Nature awareness, Sit spot

  • Land stewardship - The Giving back

    This aspect focuses on how to read Landscapes, understanding plant communities as well as Habitats. This deep observation will inform Rewilding practices that boost Biodiversity, Bioabundance and Biocomplecity such as tree planting, seed sowing, pruning etc. This will make us active participants within our landscapes.

  • Stepping into Authenticity - Tribe

    Finding deeper, authentic connections to yourself and others by expression the full range of emotions, diving into our own shadows. Practices include council, Breathwork, primal nervous system recalibration, Primal dance, sound and movement.

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